Parish Registers

You can use this search to see which Church of England parishes have deposited registers with us, and also what microform or transcript copies we have of those

The guide covers all the parishes in the Church's Archdeaconry of Berkshire, which is roughly the same area as the historic county. The guide also includes parishes in the Archdeaconry of Buckinghamshire which are within the present Berkshire county borders.

If you need to look up something in one of the registers, please contact us.


C = Christenings
M = Marriages
B = Burials
T & I = Transcripts and Indexes
MIs = Monumental inscriptions
IGI = International Genealogical Index

Parish Name Ref Code D/P C M B Major Gaps Microform Copies Transcripts and Indexes
Bagley Wood12No registers; see Kennington
Barkham St James131538-20171542-19981539-2010CB 1733-1740, M 1733-1744, 1769-1812C 1538-1986, M 1542-1768, 1813-1983, 1987-1998, B 1539-1985T & I: C 1538-1986, M 1538-1998, B 1538-1985 MIs: Strongroom
Basildon St Bartholomew141538-19711540-19711538-1982C 1649-1654, 1813-1848, M 1649-1654, 1837-1915, B 1649-1654C 1538-1812, 1849-1971, M 1538-1971, B 1538-1982T: CB 1538-1812, M 1538-1837 BTs CB 1813-1856 I: CMB 1538-1667 IGI: C 1536-1665, M 1538-1812 MIs: Strongroom
Basildon St Stephen141965-1975M 1965-1975
Baulking St Nicholas134BNot deposited; pre 1846 see UffingtonT & I: CMB 1850-1989
Bearwood St Catherine73D1846-20091846-20091846-1929C 1846-1949, M 1846-1979, B 1846-1929T & I: C 1846-1949, M 1846-1979, B 1846-1983 MIs: Searchroom
Beech Hill St Mary1211868-20031868-20031868-1996Before 1868 see Stratfield Saye (Hampshire Record Office)M 1868-1994T & I: C 1868-1995, M 1868-2003, B 1868-1996
Beedon St Nicholas151698-19791681-19851681-1969M 1726-1732C 1698-1979, M 1681-1985, B 1681-1969; and BTs CMB 1607-1637, 1657, 1667-1732T: C 1681-1840, M 1681-1836, B 1681-1835 BTs CMB 1607-1637, 1657, 1667-1732
Beenham St Mary161561-19841561-20081561-1983C 1561- 1924, M 1561-1983, B 1561-1907T: C 1561-1837, M 1561-1836, B 1561-1840 I: CB 1561-1779, M 1561-1753 IGI: C 1561-1811, M 1561-1812
Benson St Helen160At Oxfordshire Archives
Besselsleigh St Lawrence171689-19921689-19921689-1994B 1724-1730C 1689-1992, M 1689-1992, B 1689-1994T & I: C 1666-1992, M 1668-1992, B 1668-1994 T: CMB 1689-1859 BTs CMB 1666-1688
Binfield All Saints181551-19791538-20091538-1992C 1551-1979, M 1538-1987, B 1538-1957T & I: C 1551-1840, M 1538-1837, B 1538-1840 IGI: C 1551-1812, M 1538-1812
Binfield St Mark18BNot deposited
Bisham All Saints191560-19861560-19911560-1849M 1648-1660C 1560-1986, M 1560-1978, B 1560-1849T: CB 1560-1840, M 1560-1837 I: CMB 1560-1812 IGI: C 1551-1849, M 1560-1885 MIs: Strongroom
Blewbury St Michael201588-19111588-19451588-1928CMB 1675-1719C 1588-1864, M 1588-1837, B 1588-1855T & I: CMB 1558-1995 T: BTs CMB 1674-1720 IGI: C 1558-1813, M 1588-1789
Bourton St James112D1860-2000Not all deposited; pre 1860 see ShrivenhamT & I: C 1860-1985, M 1860-1983, B 1898-1986
Boxford St Andrew211558-19331558-19821558-2009M 1749-1754C 1558-1933, M 1558-1982, B 1558-1876I: C 1558-1933, M 1558-1981, B 1558-1876
Boyne HillSee Maidenhead
Bracknell Holy Trinity1651851-20001852-20051851-1973C 1851-1990, M 1852-1989, B 1851-1960
Bracknell St Paul165C1986-2013No marriages
Bradfield St Andrew221539-19621559-20181540-1952C 1689-1694, M 1686-1694C 1539-1962, M 1559-1989, B 1540-1952T & I: C 1813-1962, M 1813-1989, B 1813-1952 T: C 1539-1688, 1695-1838, M 1559-1685, 1695-1855, B 1540-1685, 1695-1838 BTs CMB 1691-1696 I: M 1559-1813 IGI: C 1539-1754, 1767-1833, M 1554-1812
Bray St Michael231652-19831652-19871652-1955C 1652-1983, M 1652-1987, B 1652-1955T & I: CMB 1653-1837 T: B 1838-1884, BTs CMB 1607-1635 IGI: CM 1653-1812
Braywood All Saints23A1867-19591867-1956C 1867-1959, M 1867-1956T & I: C 1867-1959, M 1867-1956 MIs: Searchroom
Brightwalton All Saints241559-20141559-20131561-1959C 1559-1959, M 1559-1979, B 1561-1959I: CM 1559-1850, B 1561-1850 IGI: C 1667-1825, M 1641-1825
Brightwell St Agatha251564-19981615-20201615-2015C 1564-1860, M 1615-1974, B 1615-1902I: CB 1564-1851, M 1564-1837 BTs CMB 1607-1615, 1837-1840
Brimpton St Peter261678-19381678-20101678-1992C 1744-1755, M 1735-1753, B 1735-1755C 1678-1938, M 1678-1981, B 1678-1992T: CB 1678-1840, M 1678-1836 BTs CMB 1607-1674, 1735-1755, 1757-1768 I: CMB 1678-1770
Buckland (Bucks)M 1837-1969, B 1813-1969
Buckland St Mary271691-19731691-20141678-1930C 1691-1973, M 1691-2002, B 1678-1930T & I: C 1691-1974, M 1693-1974, B 1678-1974 T: BTs M 1789-1805 IGI: 1691-1859, M 1692-1811 MIs: Searchroom
Bucklebury St Mary281538-19631538-20151538-1910C 1538-1865, M 1538-1837 B 1538-1910T & I: C 1538-1932, M 1538-1991, B 1538-1910
Burghfield St Mary291559-20001559-20031559-2005CM 1644-1661, B 1636-1661C 1559-1643, 1662-1913, M 1559-1643, 1662-1987, B 1559-1635, 1662-1870T: C 1559-1643, 1662-1913, M 1559-1643, 1662-1987, B 1559-1643, 1662-1812 IGI: C 1562-1837, M 1559-1812 MIs: BRO library
Burnham St PeterAt Bucks ROC 1588-1623, 1633-1653, 1695-1906, M 1588-1623, 1633-1653, 1695-1837, B 1588-1623, 1633-1653, 1695-1915
Buscot St Mary301676-20021676-19781676-2000C 1676-1872, M 1676-1978, B 1676-1950T: M 1676-1978, B 1607-1950 IGI: C 1676-1812, 1815-1831, M 1676-1812, 1815-1885 MIs: Strongroom