Parish Registers

You can use this search to see which Church of England parishes have deposited registers with us, and also what microform or transcript copies we have of those

The guide covers all the parishes in the Church's Archdeaconry of Berkshire, which is roughly the same area as the historic county. The guide also includes parishes in the Archdeaconry of Buckinghamshire which are within the present Berkshire county borders.

If you need to look up something in one of the registers, please contact us.


C = Christenings
M = Marriages
B = Burials
T & I = Transcripts and Indexes
MIs = Monumental inscriptions
IGI = International Genealogical Index

Parish Name Ref Code D/P C M B Major Gaps Microform Copies Transcripts and Indexes
Calcot St Birinus1881951-20071966-2007Before 1951 see Tilehurst
California St Mary and St John1891940-19981972-1978No burials; see also FinchampsteadC 1940-1980, M 1972-1978
Catmore St Margaret311724-19851727-19711728-1985M 1729-1763C 1724-1985, M 1727-1728, 1764-1971, B 1728-1985T: C 1724-1850, M 1727-1728, 1764-1850, B 1728-1810, 1814-1850 BTs CMB 1736-1803, 1813-1834
Caversham St Andrew162C1911-19891913-1989No burialsM 1913-1959T & I: M 1913-1959
Caversham St Barnabas (Emmer Green)162D1930-1996No burialsM 1930-1963T & I: M 1930-1963
Caversham St John162E1888-19691908-1992No burialsC 1888-1949, M 1908-1958T & I: C 1888-1949, M 1908-1959
Caversham St Peter1621597-19991597-20071597-1950C 1597-1948, M 1597-1958, B 1597-1950T & I: C 1597-1849, M 1597-1837, B 1597-1869 MIs: Searchroom
Chaddleworth St Andrew321538-19791538-20131539-2007B 1798-1812C 1538-1979, M 1538-1985 B 1538-2007T: CM 1538-1850, B 1538-1851 BTs 1727-1797 IGI: C 1538-1870, M 1538-1836
Challow, East: St Nicholas81B1712-19741713-19901711-2007B 1830-1866 (see Letcombe Regis)C 1711-1974, M 1713-1966 B 1711-2006T & I: C 1607-1974, M 1607-1966, B 1607-1991 IGI: CM 1712-1836
Challow, West: St Laurence81C1653-18121654-19591654-1820M 1750-1754C 1653-1812, M 1654-1959 B 1654-1820IGI: C 1653-1836, M 1654-1836 MIs: Strongroom
Chandlings Farm33No registers
Charlton Holy Trinity143B1957-2017No baptisms or burials; pre 1957 see Wantage
Charney Bassett St Peter83B1642-19821754-19991747-1979M 1979-1984 See also LongworthC 1642-1982, M 1754-1999, B 1747-1979T & I: CMB 1642-1974 T: BTs M 1701-1730, 1751-1764 IGI: C 1641-1875, M 1754-1885 MIs: Searchroom and strongroom
Chieveley St Mary341560-19581560-19741560-1931M 1645-1650C 1560-1957, M 1560-1974 B 1560-1895T: CMB 1560-1812 BTs M 1799-1802, 1812-1815 T&I: C 1813-1865, M 1813-1837, B 1813-1874 IGI: C 1560-1744, 1752-1765, M 1560-1885
Childrey St Mary351558-19271558-20121558-1883C 1558-1927, M 1558-1980, B 1558-1883IGI: CM 1558-1812 MIs: Strongroom
Chilton All Saints361584-19801694-20101667-1812C 1584-1932, M 1694-1974, B 1667-1812T & I: C 1583-1949, 1980-1997, M 1604-2000, B 1551-1995 MIs: BRO library
Chilton Foliat St Mary37At Wiltshire and Swindon RO
Cholsey St Mary381540-19681547-20081539-1980M 1645-1661, 1742-1748, B 1611-1616, 1621-1630, 1646-1651C 1540-1968, M 1547-1988, B 1539-1980T & I: C 1541-2001, M 1547-2001, B 1540-2001 IGI: C 1540-1838, M 1547-1606, 1617-1837 MIs: CD-ROM (BRO library)
Church EatonT & I: CMB 1538-1812
Clewer St Andrew391653-19711653-20111653-1960C 1653-1971, M 1653-1990, B 1653-1960T & I: C 1653-1860, M 1674-1837, B 1663-1860 (BTs CMB 1607-1635) IGI: C 1653-1812, M 1681-1688, 1700-1812, (BTs 1813-1836)
Clewer St Stephen39B1871-19101874-1972No burial groundC 1873-1910, M 1874-1972
Cold Ash St Mark130D1865-19681866-19821865-1992C 1865-1968, M 1866-1982, B 1865-1992
Coleshill All Saints401559-19901559-20131559-1986B 1658-1668C 1559-1990, M 1559-1980, B 1559-1986T & I: C 1559-1980, M 1561-1689, 1696-1980, B 1559-1657, 1668-1979 IGI: C 1558-1875, M 1561-1874
Colnbrook St ThomasAt Bucks ROC 1760-1877, M 1852-1877, B 1852-1877IGI: C 1760-1877, M 1852-1877
Combe St Swithun1971560-20041560-19851561-2020C 1560-1812, M 1560-1985, B 1561-1812T & I: C 1560-1812, M 1560-1985, B1560-1812 I: M 1849-1918
Compton Beauchamp St Swithun421551-19931551-19861551-1994C 1777-1812, B 1777-1789C 1551-1776, 1813-1993, M 1551-1986, B 1551-1776, 1790-1994T & I: C 1551-1993, M 1551-1986, B 1643-1775, 1790-1994 IGI: C 1700-1775 (BTs 1551-1699, 1775-1834), M 1551-1644 (BTs 1813-1834) MIs: Searchroom and strongroom
Compton St Mary and St Nicholas411553-19671553-19831553-2005C 1553-1925, M 1553-1964, B 1553-2005T & I: C 1553-1925, M 1553 -1963, B 1553-1901 IGI: C 1553-1867, M 1553-1865
Cookham Dean St John Baptist43B1845-19661846-20071845-1973C 1845-1966, M 1846-1994, B 1845-1973MIs: D/EX1110/1
Cookham Holy Trinity431655-19601655-20041656-1935Transcript only CMB 1563-1655C 1655-1960, M 1655-1960, B 1656-1935T: CMB 1498-1659 (incomplete), 1563-1655, 1813-1837 BTs 1607-1635 I: CM 1813-1837, B 1607-1837 IGI: CM 1563-1837
Cox Green the Good Shepherd1831961-19961975-2016
Coxwell, Great: St Giles441557-19851557-20061557-2002C 1557-1985, M 1557-1979, B 1557-1941T & I: CMB 1557-1978 IGI: C 1557-1875, M 1557-1862 MIs: Strongroom
Coxwell, Little: St Mary53B1582-19161582-19491582-2017C 1771-1809, M 1711-1738, 1750-1839; B 1773-1838; see also FaringdonC 1582-1770, 1810-1916, M 1582-1710, 1739-1749, 1840-1949, B 1582-1771T & I: C 1582-1770, 1813-1984, M 1583-1749, 1840-1949, B 1583-1771, 1839-1983 T: BTs C1813-1836; original perculiar transcripts C 1666-1680, 1689-1693, 1711, CMB 1740-1741 IGI: C1582-1771, 1810-1815 (BTs 1815-1836), M 1583-1749 (BTs 1813-1836) MIs: Search
Cranbourne St Peter1901850-19731851-20071850-1997C 1850-1973, M 1851-1988
Crowmarsh Gifford St Mary Magdalene1611576-20111598-20211576-1992C 1637-1664,1686-1736, M 1599-1614,1635-1663,1669-1675,1677-1693, 1755-1830 fragmentary, B 1636-1663C 1575-1919, M 1598-1985, B 1575-1992T: C 1575-1685, 1737-1830, M 1694-1836, B 1575-1830
Crowthorne St John Baptist102B1873-20061874-20191873-2010C 1873-1976, M 1874-1978, B 1873-1968
CulhamNot deposited. At Oxforshire History Centre.C 1648-1987, M 1666-1986, B 1662-1986
Cumnor St Michael451559-19721559-19681559-1970M 1683-1688C 1559-1958, M 1559-1948, B 1559-1970T & I: C 1755-1958, M 1754-1948, B 1755-1970 IGI: CM 1607-1835 (BTs)